E-Cigarettes R Us Australia

The e-cigarette is the safest, easiest, cheapest and most effective way to quit smoking cigarettes. That's the claim of the amazing health website - http://www.ecigarettesrus.com.au .

E-Cigarettes R Us Australia ~ The best place to buy e-cigarettes in Australia 
(Phone number: 0487 915 632)

Let me share to you their health claims.

Safe: The e-cigarette does not contain any of the more than 4000 poisonous chemicals that are found in tobacco cigarettes. Instead, it contains a totally harmless liquid vapour.

Easy: The e-cigarette is simple to use. You put it to your mouth, and inhale and exhale as you would a normal cigarette. You can quit smoking and still smoke. Nothing could be easier.

Cheap: Most smokers will save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. After the initial investment of money in a pack, the main ongoing cost is the bottles of e-liquid which are used to re-fill the cartridges. A single bottle of e-liquid costs $19.95 and lasts an average smoker about a fortnight.

Effective: Scientific research into the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a method of quitting smoking conducted by researchers at the University of East London found that approximately ninety per cent of the participants reported that they successfully stopped smoking.

Tens of thousands of people in Australia and throughout the world have quit smoking with the aid of the electronic cigarette, and you can too.
E-Cigarettes R Us Australia, has an exclusive range of quality smokeless electric cigarette starter kits, are committed to helping as many smokers as possible finally succeed in kicking the poisonous and deadly habit of tobacco smoking.
Quit smoking today and start living the rest of your life.
For more info and queries, Check out  http://www.ecigarettesrus.com.au