Finding a Good Psychologist in NYC

What is a Clinical Psychologist?
A clinical psychologist is a professional psychologist who has obtained a doctorate degree and works with individuals living with mental health issues. While clinical psychologists are not medical doctors and, therefore, cannot prescribe medicine, clinical psychologists treat individuals through therapy. Therapy covers a broad range of techniques and strategies that enable an individual to deal with difficult issues that are impacting their mental health and enhance the quality of their life. Clinical psychologists may specialize in psychotherapy, of which there are numerous kinds (Jungian, intersubjective, object relational), cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR therapy, and many others. A Clinical psychologist NYC may specialize in cognitive and behavioral difficulties and perform various tests to measure the individual's aptitude, cognitive or development limitations, and types of intelligence. Clinical psychologists must undergo hundreds of hours of supervised interaction with clients and a comprehensive licensing exam in order to practice their specialty.

What Describes a Good Clinical Psychologist?
Like a sound physician, a good clinical psychologist has maintained sound professional standing and is licensed by professional organizations regulating his or her specialization. Clinical psychologists work with individuals when they are vulnerable or experiencing challenges in their life. Being licensed to practice and maintaining good professional standing can be a powerful statement on their professional ethics.

A good clinical psychologist is one that strives to understand the individual's particular circumstances and difficulties. S/he can express empathy and compassion for their client and maintains a high level of professionalism. A good clinical psychologist can bring different techniques and strategies to the individual if a particular method of therapy does not seem effective. S/he has an excellent working relationship with medical professionals, educators, and social workers and recognizes that helping an individual through mental health difficulties, developmental struggles, or cognitive difficulties is a multi-dimensional process.

What We Do
Our clinic comprises clinical psychologists who bring decades of experience to the treatment of adults, children, and adolescents that are facing behavioral, developmental, and emotional challenges. Our psychologists offer a broad range of clinical services, such as psychotherapy, testing for ADHD, and treatment for speech and developmental delays. We also offer psychological evaluations for forensic purposes. Our staff and clinicians treat each person with the utmost professionalism, sensitivity, and compassion. If you, your adolescent, or your child is facing developmental, emotional, or behavioral challenges, we will find an individualised, therapeutic solution to support you through these challenges.